Wednesday, January 7, 2009

My big fat greek wedding

I seriously contemplating that i am a big fat liar.

I reach this conclusion when i notice that tonight i help my cousin lie to the person in the telephone again. This time i lied to someone who kept bothering my cousin even though she doesn't want to...

and you know what i regret the most .... was that why on earth i showed to him i understand what he was saying... i should plead ignorance.... Imagine that .

he was speaking in one language while i was speaking in another language then i kept on saying i didn't understand what he was saying and he kept on insisting to be my friend.....

Talk about chaos... muahahahaha
Shame that i miss that chance.. I'm gonna try that later if i ever get the chance. hihi

And the good thing that come out from this experience was that i am no longer depressed

Although i have to go back to college this Thursday and today is already Wednesday.... THIS SUX